Nettleworth Infant and Nursery School

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Governor Information

Nettleworth Infant and Nursery School Governors


Between us we bring many different points of view, skills and experience in the Governing Body.

Above all, we support the school and are involved in its management.  We are responsible for setting the aims and objectives of the school, for adopting policies and for monitoring their implementation. 

As a full Governing Body we meet once a term.


We oversee the managing of the budget, although in practice the day to day management is carried out by the Headteacher, and we make decisions about any unexpected income or expenditure that arises in the course of the financial year.

Linked to this role is the responsibility for the fabric of the building, and the safety of the school and its site.  Finance, General Purposes and Personnel Committee concentrates on these issues in its termly meetings. It also oversees Personnel matters including the recruitment and welfare of staff. 


Strategic Development and Pupils Committee monitors the schools policies and its annual plan. It meets once a term.

Governors come into school to see the running of the school in operation. we challenge and ask questions of the Headteacher and her staff and we act like a good friend to Nettleworth Infant School. 


The governors are also there to help the pupils and parents and can be approached about any issues arising in school, either personally or by letter. A Governor mailbox is located in the main school entrance.


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