Nettleworth Infant and Nursery School

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Applying for a part-time (Nursery/ F1) school place

The school has a thirty nine place Foundation Unit and children attend for half day sessions, 15 hours per week (3 hrs each morning). Children are admitted into the Foundation Nursery the term after they are aged 3 in September (Autumn Term), January (Spring Term) and April (Summer Term).

Parents who have registered their child(ren) for a part-time nursery place are contacted the term before they are due to start in the Foundation Unit and arrangements made for their child to attend induction sessions.   All sessions are held in schools Nursery Unit. 

Parents/carers wishing to register their child may do so from 6 months' old by putting their child(ren) on the waiting list.  Please contact school direct on 01623 455940 or alternatively call in at the school office to collect our Nursery application form.

Admission into full time school
Even though the child may attend Nettleworth's Foundation unit (F1), parents still have to apply for a full time place in school.  

If parents live in Nottinghamshire, they must apply for a school place through Nottinghamshire County Council.  A letter will be sent from the LA (Local Authority) with details on how to apply and deadlines etc. Parents may choose any school for a full time place but standard admission criteria will be applied.


Standard reception criteria: infant and primary schools 2023-2024


1. Looked after children and previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

2. Children who live in the catchment area at the closing date for applications and who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school or the linked junior/primary school and children who do not live in the catchment area at the closing date for application and who, at the time of admission will have a brother or sister attending the school or the linked junior/primary school who was displaced as their Nottinghamshire community catchment area school was oversubscribed at the national offer day for first admission to school.

3. Other children who live in the catchment area at the closing date for applications.

4. Children who live outside the catchment area who, at the time of admission, will have a brother or sister attending the school or the linked junior/primary school.

5. Children who live outside the catchment area.
All Nottinghamshire schools admit pupils at one point of entry.  Children will be admitted to full-time school in the September following their fourth birthday.






Nottinghamshire County Council School Admissions Link






Determined Admission Arrangements 2023-2024


Determined admission arrangements 2024-2025


Determined admission arrangements 2025-2026




Please refer to the links below for guidance on Summer Born Children.

Parents who are considering sending their child to this school are welcome to visit by arranging a time with the Headteacher.


For our LA admission details see link below.  Tel. 0300 500 8080

All information regarding school admissions can be found on the Nottinghamshire County Council admissions website.


Please click the web link below.
