Nettleworth Infant and Nursery School

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Autumn Term


In English, we will be taking part in drawing club and curious quests to experience a range of stories, videos and traditional tales. We will be focusing on sentence writing and ensuring we use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.



We will be focusing on place value to 20, we will count objects, represent numbers, experiment with number lines, identify less and more and put numbers in order.



We will be labelling the human body and learning about our 5 senses. We will also learn about a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals and the structure of each. We will discuss animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.


Art and Design

We will be studying the artist Van Gogh and creating our own paintings based on his artwork field with irises near arles. We will be looking at primary and how we can mix them to make secondary colours.



In computing we will be looking at different types of technology and learning how to be safe online. We will learn how to type using an ipad and log in to numbots and TT rockstars.


Design and Technology

In DT, we will be focusing on our cooking skills. We will be learning to prepare different healthy dishes and follow recipes to create a snack or treat.



In geography we will be focusing on our fieldwork skills by identifying where we live and investigating our school grounds. We will be creating our own maps and looking at a range of atlases, globes and maps.  



We will be learning all about toys from the past. We will compare toys we play with, toys from our grandparents era and Victorian toys.



In Autumn 1 we will be studying the topic team building. We will be applying teamwork skills in pairs and as part of a group. We will learn what makes an effective team and have lots of fun taking part in different challenges.

 In Autumn 2 we will be studying the topic gymnastics. We will learn to link movements and balances together to create a sequence. We will be challenging ourselves by trying out balances and travelling in different ways on the floor and on apparatus. 



In music the children will learn about the differences between pulse, rhythm and pitch and to learn how to rap and enjoy it in its original form.


Health and Relationships

We will be learning about different feelings and how they might make me behave. We will know ways of dealing with 'not so good' feelings and how to help others. We will talk about trusted adults they have at home and/or school and who to ask to manage their feelings and relationships.



We are learning about annual or weekly celebrations for Christians and Jewish people, including Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah and Shabbat. We will also learn songs, worship, stories, artefacts and food in festivals and celebrations from other faiths.
