Nettleworth Infant and Nursery School

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Playground Buddies

Our Playground Buddies


Our playground buddy scheme plays an important part in creating a safe, friendly, happy and peaceful atmosphere for children during playtimes.


Who are they?

Our School Council decided we needed children to take on the role of Playground Buddies.  Playground buddies are changed on a weekly basis. The buddies really enjoy their responsibilities, and not only do they make the playground a happy place for all the children, but also offer a great help to the staff on duty.


What is their role?

  • To help all children to play safely and happily with each other

  • To help children resolve minor conflicts

  • Teach children to play games

  • To be a good listener when another child would like to talk

  • Ensure all children have friends to play with, no one is left out

  • Report any unkind things you see to an adult

  • Be available as a friend to all of the other children


How do you spot them?

The playground buddies are on all of our playgrounds, they are the children wearing the bright yellow Playground Buddy vests.
