Nettleworth Infant and Nursery School

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Our Maths Subject Leads are:




Mrs S. Brookes



At Nettleworth Infant and Nursery School we think it is important that children are confident with different skills in maths. In order to do this we ensure children work on a range of skills for an extended period of time in order to master them. We offer all children opportunities to master these skills through a variety of challenges and problems, helping to develop their reasoning skills.


At our school we want our children to help lead their maths learning. By providing the children with the opportunity to tell us what they want to learn about and to support them with new learning, we start all our maths sessions with opportunities to share prior learning and knowledge. This gives our children chance to show us and their peers what they know, as well as what they want to find out. This means staff adapt and implement exciting and meaningful maths sessions which help to move children's learning forward.


We are always looking for ways to make maths exciting. One way we do this at our school is by having a weekly competition between classes and linking maths to our topic where possible. We want children to see maths as a vital and integral part of everyday life and by learning about maths through links with our topics helps children develop their maths skills outside of maths lessons.


Our children are encouraged to learn through a CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach which includes variety of practical and problem-solving approaches in number, shape, space, measure and handling data. Children are developing a wide range of mental and oral approaches to all aspects of maths and are encouraged to apply this across the curriculum, in real-life situations and also for fun.


Please keep an eye out for our wonderful Maths days this year!

We will be taking part in NSPCC number day on the 3rd February 2024Celebrating international maths day on the 14th March 2024

Battle of the bands!

Each week the classes will be battling against each other on numbots and TTRockstars to reign supreme with their maths fluency!

The class with the most points each week will be announced our winners during our whole school celebration assembly on a Friday.



