Autumn Term
Our PE day is Tuesday
Please send your child in sporty clothes on a Tuesday.
Our Autumn term topics are
‘Marvellous Me’ and ‘Celebrations.
In our nursery we learn through play, both indoors and outside in our amazing nursery garden. Each day we participate in Plan Do Review during our Rainbow Time. In the plan do review process, children make plans, carry them out, and reflect on what they have done. In doing so, children learn to take initiative, solve problems, self-regulate, and accomplish their goals – their play becomes more purposeful and focused.
Over the term we will be covering all of the seven Foundation Stage Areas of learning.
Communication and Language
We will be enjoying lots of different Nursery Rhymes and learning the actions to match the rhymes. These are great at helping children to look and listen, developing their speech and language and preparing children to read.
Personal, Social, Emotional Development
Over the year we will be learning how to co-operate, take turns, develop confidence, resilience and independence, show concern for the feelings of others and follow rules. This will be developed during a range of child initiates activities, class discussions and planned adult led activities.
Physical Development
We will be learning how to use a range of tools and equipment. During our Funky Finger sessions we will be practicing a variety of skills, for example threading and cutting, to develop our fine motor skills. We will be taking part in PE sessions on a Tuesday with Jack Wood to develop our gross motor skills, including balancing, coordination and throwing and catching. We will be taking part in ‘Squiggle while you wiggle’ and ‘dough disco’ sessions to develop our fine motor skills and get us ready for mark making.
We will be learning to recognise our names during daily self-registration sessions. We will be developing our mark making and drawing with a range of tools and equipment. We will be listening to lots of stories and developing our vocabulary through daily story times. We will be learning poetry from The Poetry Basket to develop our speech and vocabulary.
Maths is part of our daily routine in nursery. We use every opportunity to count and look for familiar numbers. We will be counting, and learning number rhymes. Each day we count the number of children in each group on our number line.
Understanding the World
Indoor and outdoor experiences will be provided through a variety of teacher led and child initiated activities, with opportunities for children to explore and extend their learning. Children will be talking about the people around them, their families and celebrations.
Expressive Arts and Design
We will be singing and making sounds rhythmically. We will be enjoying making musical instruments and having lots of fun moving to music!